Turn off the water supply before dismantling your old unit.

1 - If major work is done on the home, the water network must be flushed of all impurities to avoid damaging your mixer.

2 - Before dismantling your old unit, make sure the hot water feed is on the left, and that the cold water feed is on the right. Call a professional if that is not the case.

3 - Prepare parts and tools with close access to the connections.

1 - Screw the s union connectors in to your fittings in the wall so that they extend by about 42 mm.

2 - Screw the escutcheons against the wall.

3 - Adjust the spacing so that there is 150 mm between the centres of the escutcheons, and then verify they are level . Adjust if necessary.

4 - Install the mixer and tighten firmly. The nuts must not touch the escutcheons. Adjust if necessary and verify horizontal positioning.

5 - Dismantle everything. Note the depth between the s union connectors and the wall.
Installing the thermostatic mixer

1 - Seal the thread of the s union connector using PTFE tape, wrapped in the tightening direction.

2 - Tighten the s union connectors with a 22 mm open-end wrench.

3 - Adjust the connectors so that there is a space of 150 mm centre to centre, and the same depth, as noted from your previous measurements. Then check They are level using a spirit level.

4 - Apply a silicon seal between the wall and the eccentric connectors.

5 - Screw the escutcheons onto the s union connectors.

6 - Remove the red and blue caps from the mixer. Make sure the filters are placed correctly, with the rounded side facing inwards.

7 - Place the mixer on the s union connectors, without adding any additional seals, then tighten the nuts using a 32 mm open-end wrench.

8 - Use a spirit level to make sure the mixer is level. Adjust it if necessary. Check for leaks by turning on the water supply to the mixer.
Adjusting the thermostatic mixer

1 - Now make sure the thermostatic mixer is operating properly. Using a thermometer, check the water temperature. If it is 38°C when the handle guide lines up with the 38°C marker of the shower body, then no adjustment is needed.

2 - If adjustment is necessary, close the water evacuation outlet and remove the cover on the mixer handle using a small flat-head screwdriver. Loosen the screw, then remove the handle.

3 - Loosen the screw, then remove the handle.

4 - Run the water. Adjust the thermostatic cartridge by turning the notched black element until the temperature reaches 38°C. Put the handle back with the guide on the handle facing 38°C. Screw in the handle and put the cover back on.